The Gourmet Journal
2 min readMar 2, 2021


These two cold soups share a few key ingredients

On these hot summer days, it’s easy to remember why we like gazpacho and salmorejo so much. Light, healthy, and refreshing, both dishes are ideal for the summer months. But do you know the differences between these two tomato soups?

Gazpacho was first consumed in the 7th century during the al-Andalus era in what is now modern-day Andalucia, Spain. In this moment the soup didn’t contain any fresh produce, but rather was made of bread soaked in water, oil, and vinegar with almonds or garlic. In fact, it wasn’t until the 19th century that it acquired its red tint, when the conquistadors brought vegetables back with them to Europe from the Americas.

What are the differences between gazpacho and salmorejo?

Though very similar in appearance and flavor, there are a few very concrete differences between these cold soups.

In the first place, the most significant disparity between the two is that gazpacho contains much more produce than salmorejo. While both are made with tomatoes, olive oil, garlic, salt, and bread, only gazpacho is prepared with onion, cucumber, and pepper.

What are the most traditional gazpacho and salmorejo recipes?

Aside from the most traditional versions, many variations of these two recipes also exist.

When it comes to the classic preparation of gazpacho, it should have a kilogram of ripe tomatoes, an onion, a small red pepper, 60 grams of peeled cucumber, a clove of garlic, a slice of bread, three tablespoons of olive oil, three tablespoons of Jerez vinegar, 120 ml of water, and salt.

This is all blended with an immersion blender or in a blender, waiting until the end to add the salt, vinegar, and olive oil (in that order). It can be passed for a fine mesh strainer to remove the tomato skin and seeds.

For the most traditional salmorejo recipe, you’ll need a kilogram of ripe tomatoes, a clove of garlic, 200 grams of slightly stale bread, three tablespoons of olive oil, and salt. Blend the tomatoes, garlic, and bread. At the end, add the olive oil and salt (without turning off the blender, so as to emulsify the oil). It is also recommended that you pass it through a fine mesh strainer.

Salmorejo is usually served with a chopped hard-boiled egg and small slices of Serrano ham. You can also add a little more oil just before serving.

As you can see, both gazpacho and salmorejo are incredibly easy to prepare, aside from being very healthy and refreshing dishes, just what we need in these hot summer months.

